The first installment payment for our son's mission was due by the first day of the month that he reported to the MTC. Since then, we have made a payment to our ward using a donation envelope on the last Sunday of every month. These are easily tracked in our checking roster. However, we also have extended family members who are donating towards our son's mission on an irregular basis, and these payments are harder to account for and track.
What I did not know was that our ward's financial clerk could print off a report called Income and Expense Detail Report for a ward missionary that was just like looking at a checking account statement. It showed the Who, What, When of the donations that have been made to our ward in our son's behalf.
What we discovered from reviewing the report was that during a leadership transition when a new financial clerk was called, one of our payments had not been forwarded to church headquarters. Just a small oversight, but it takes checks and balances to make sure all the details of missionary service are covered.
Try not to overwhelm your ward's financial clerk, but definitely check your missionary's account at your ward every quarter or, at least, semi-annually.
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